When we set off on this cruising adventure in 2016, we were full of anticipation of how it would all unfold. Everything was brand new. New boat, new places, new people, new way of life. Well, now that we are a bit more seasoned—the novelty of some things, like haul outs, hurricane prep, talking cell phone plans and ordering parts in foreign countries, have lost some of their once innocent luster. Some days (well most), it’s too hot. Some days, it’s too frustrating, like when cleaning green moss off of — everything. Some days our why question sounds more like “tell me again just WHY we are doing this? Most of our friends and family wish us well and listen to our stories with some wonderment. And others honestly look at us with a not so subtle air of bewilderment ( “so this is fun to you?”). We laugh and explain away why it all works out and why we like it so much. (Are we convincing them or us?) Sometimes it seems that words fail to truly express our Why for cruising. We tell some exciting story, perhaps with a little storm peppered into the tale. Or of the time we had to wait 3 months for an inverter delivery in Costa Rica before moving on, what a hoot that was we say, laughing now. In response, there’s the look. Like the one your sweet grandmother might nod with, while you explain the intricate symbolism behind your tattoo. How nice. Truth is we all have a why for the things we choose to do. While some may prefer a Princess cruise to our adventure, there’s a why for that too. For us, our why has evolved, and with it a deeper appreciation for all we get to do and see on our strong boat—even if it is too darn hot! And with that spirit, Season 5 is underway!
Cleaning the green stuff from the mast He’s still on board, bug catcher crew. Great Tour and Chocolate tasting, Bastimentos let’s go! A year here, Farewell A cruiser with many fun toys! Dolphin Bay, Bocas Shearwater approaching Zap 2 Buddy Boats A Big Why: Cruising Friends Sleeping below Happy Place
Well put.
Thanks Doug! Look forward to seeing your new boat one day:)
Cheers to Season 5!!
Thanks Janis!
Happy travels!! Miss you guys here but gotta follow the sunrise, sunset and friendly spiders
Great story, Lisa! Very well written! Let the adventure continue! Oh—but first, don’t forget to; wash the bedding, clean the windows, check the transmission fluid, change the engine oil, find that tool Michael’s been looking for, put new batteries in EVERYTHING, clean the corrosion from the batteries you are about to change, clean the refrigerator, fix the refrigerator, replace the zincs, clean the fresh water tanks, add diesel fuel conditioner, buy more boat parts, and on and on and on and on…
Thanks Rich! You must be a boat owner:) We must swap stories sometime. Cheers to you & Tally Ho!
Happy and safe adventures for season 5!
Thanks Tracy!
And that was well said! Even a little “how nice” in there. It was a pleasure to spend time with you both. Memories were made but even better…a friendship was born. Safe travels our friends! Make every day count!
Hi Kat- Yes, how nice was for you:) Cheers my friend!
There’s doing it for all of us gutless sods who could never do such a thing!! LOL. We need people like you in our worlds…. And then there is ‘Why Not!
Love you; Cheers!
There is that! LOL Colleen!
If you’re having fun, the Why is really…Why Not? Enjoy the ride!
So True! Thanks Joe!
Best for a good Season Five.